Doctor Who: The Coal Hill A/v Club

Ep 86 - Four To Doomsday II: Doom Harder!



Happy Coal Hill-oween, everyone! We're back. Unfortunately, our plans for a "Coal Hill-O-Ween Spooktacular" were scuppered when we learned that our special guest star - Bela Lugosi - was dead, and had been for quite some time. So instead, we decided to discuss the announcement of the Doctor's latest companions, and catch you up with some nifty things we've been doing lately, such as: actually publishing a book (It's called WHY I GEEK, and it's full of essays about fandom, and you should buy it), and the awesome time we had at Time Eddy III in Wichita, KS, and the awesome time we're going to have at LI Who in Long Island, NY. We also chatted with David (from Greyscale Productions) about his incredible, home made, First Doctor console - with the Radiation meter and everything. If you love us, you'll buy our book: If you love us more, you'll follow us on Twitter: @CoalHillCon And if you really love us, you'll email us pictures of yourself in a homemade K-9 costume*.