Doctor Who: The Coal Hill A/v Club

Ep 91 - Twice Upon A Time



Great galloping glass people! It's Christmas in the trenches, where the frost so bitter hung. We start with two Doctors and eventually work our way to three as we bid farewell to Peter Capaldi, Steven Moffat, Murray Gold, Pearl Mackie, Matt Lucas, Jenna Coleman, and Mark Gatiss, who bears the honor of having the most important mustache in the universe. We had a lot of feelings about this episode, so yeah, this one's embarrassingly long, but we promise that if you listen to the very, very end, we'll send you the Official Coal Hill 2018 Sexy Porgs calendar*. *-we will not do any such thing. Music: "Christmas In The Trenches" - Robbie O'Connell (written by John McCutcheon.) Twitter: @coalhillcon