Snake Oil/jim Ventura

Snake Oil Radio: interview show with Catz/Tea leaf reader



Tealeaf Reader Catz is a third generation Tea leaf and Tarot reader. Born in Wales, the United Kingdom, she learned tea leaf reading from her mother and grandmother. Throughout her life, Catz has continued growing on a spiritual plain and is also able to read Tarot cards, use a dowser, fire gaze, hear, see and or feel messages. The art of reading tea leaves is referred to as Tasseography and is a fortune telling method that interprets patterns in tea leaves. Modern Tasseography has been associated with the Scottish, Welsh and Irish cultures. The process of Tea leaf reading stimulates meditation and interpretation of symbols. Tea leaf reading is a fun, healthful and creative way to listen and open psychic abilities. During the Tea leaf reading Catz will be able to provide spiritual messages, future predictions, validations and even contact with people who have passed over.