Field Gulls: Cigar Thoughts And Deep Balls

Twelves Company - Week 7



The boys of summer are back again with week 7's own Twelves Company podcast. In an effort to make sure this bad boy gets posted on Wednesday night on account of the short week, we cut out a lot of extra talk. No worries, all the important stuff is covered. Looking back at the Titans game, we each give our opinions on what exactly went wrong on that last play of the first half... You know the one I'm talking about. Additionally, I'm pretty sure Ike references Justin Bieber? I don't remember exactly how that whole thing went down, but it was pretty embarrassing. There's a bit of conversation on the whole Browner vs Thurmond thing, we come away with surprisingly favorable views on Browner, I'd say. Finishing up this episode with a preview of the Cards game, what each one of us thinks needs to happen for the Hawks to come away winners, and as always, score predictions. Follow all three of us for fantastically entertaining twitter conversations on gamedays: @VincentVanIke @MyHawkSoFly @SeattleDoorMa