Zera Today With Pastor Lorenzo Neal

Frederick Douglass, Richard Allen and Black Freedom



While today is being celebrated by lovers all around, today is more special than Valentine's Day. Today marks the 258th birthday of Richard Allen, founder and first elected and consecrated bishop of the African Methodist Episcopal Church and the 200th birthday of Frederick Douglass, abolitionist,  ambassador, gifted orator, and Presidential advisor. Both men were key in the liberation of people of African descent up from slavery. Both of their legacies linger on and is more tpertinent now than ever before. Join me in celebrating their lives and ministries through their struggles and continuing legacies. To learn more about Richard Allen and the AME Church visit www.amec.com. To learn more about Frederick Douglass, his faith and family, visit  http://www.frc.org/university/frederick-douglass-his-faith-his-family-our-future for a live web stream event on February 15, 2018@ 12:00 PM EST hosted by the Family Research Council, the Frederick Douglass Foundation, and Douglass Leadership Institute.