Real Talk With Tanya White

Real Talk On How You Can Rise & Truly Shine In 2009



Tired of not walking in your power that you know you have been endowed with from heaven? Want to discover what is really holding you back from unleashing your dreams and visions? Need some weekly wisdom for sticking to your goals? Then join Tanya and her co-host Cherilyn Vonn for this power pact show. Tanya has a fantastic panel of motivational speakers and coaches which includes Tanya's former life coach Valorie Burton-( author of national bestselling books such as What's Really Holding You Back, Why Not You, Rich Minds, Rich Rewards, Personal Branding Expert Michael D. Brown of, one of the nation's risinn stars youth motivator Laymon Hicks as they give you some secrets as to how you can rise and truly shine in 2009! It's a New Year! This new show will help you to set new goals so that you can become a brand new you! Tune in at a very special time at 5 P.M. EST, 4 CST, 3 MST, 2 PST. BE ONE OF LISTENERS TO RATE THE SHOW & RECEIVE A FRE