Real Talk With Tanya White




Join us for our final installment of our No More November series as we discuss NO MORE FAT!: FITNESS AFTER 40! Certified fitness and nutritional specialist, Wendy Ida will be a guest expert. Known as the “Fitness Warrior,” Wendy Ida is a 57 year old Fitness Pro and owner of Wendy Ida Fitness in Los Angeles, CA. Wendy Ida, who was a size 12 most of her life before starting her own exercise regime – and dwindling down to a rock-solid size 4 – knows from experience how important it is to maintain fitness especially after 40. Wendy Ida specializes in helping women over age 40 to achieve fitness results. Call 347-215-6446 at 7 PM EST with your questions or comments as we discuss: . Her fitness after 40 journey . Eliminating unhealthy eating/exercise habits after 40 . Enjoying the holidays without regretting overeating . Understanding the essentials of a results oriented weight loss/healthy living plan