Lets Ask The Angels!

Creating Abundance in All Areas of Your Life with the Angels



Join me in the month of June where  I will share information on how we can create  grace and ease in  all areas of our lives by connecting with the angels! On this show I will share from the  new book, "Angels of Abundance" by Doreen Virtue and Grant Virtue and share with you how we can manifesr and receive the material and emotional support that is availble for us. This pertains to all areas of of lives including finances, love, health and happiness. Also -  I will share the weekly upcoming angel card messages  from the Archangel Power Tarot Cards Deck and take your listener calls for readings and questions! Call in at 424-675-6837  Follow me on FB at Bcalvanocoaching and at www.Bcalvanocoaching.com where you can join my email list to receive the weekly angel messages!  Have a fabulous day! Angel light and love, Barbara