The Franklin Prayers

The Franklin Prayers #POTD (Prayer of the Day)



  The Franklin Prayers are Prayers for ALL! A prayer a day will make ALL the difference.  Pray with me! Let us Pray!...Together Prayer is what we all agree on. Prayer comes from all religions and no religions. It is the medium of miracles.  Miracles entail shifts in perceptions.  It is these shifts in perception and thought that transform our world. Prayer is a tool of transformation in mind, body and soul !   ~Danna Kiel "My grandmother used to always pray 'over' my sister, my Dad (her adult son) and I , 'Give 'em a mind... to do right!'  Now I understand what she was asking. She knew that our actions flowed from our thinking (our connecting link to a higher power). She did not know 'The Franklin Prayers' as I have named them here, but she was praying for increase in wisdom or maybe even faith. The Franklin Prayers are designed to call forth Wisdom, Faith, Love, Peace, Confidence, Joy and so much more...Take what YOU need! ~Danna Kiel  #LetUsPray #MillionsPray #TheFranklinPrayers #TheFranklin40