Dr. Leonard Robinson

Kingdom Insights & Truths w/Bro. Derrick Holder



The destiny of each in dividual in the Church and the Body of Christ as a whole is found in each of us acknowledging the Father's doctrine of the Kingdom of God.  Without the good news of the Kingdom it has become all too easy to manufacture a religion that we call Christianity.  Bro. Derrick B. Holder will offer in these teachings, certain Kingdom insights and truths that will help you embrace the good news at the level that God intended by sending His Son to preach, teach, demonstrate and delegate the Kingdom of God to all who would believe.  Through this program you will not only rediscover the Kingdom of God, the missing good news, but you will also discover your role in God's plan for your total victory personally, and as God uses you to serve with Him in the advancing of the Kingdom of God.