Relics Of Orr

Relics of Orr 160 - By Our Powers Combined ft. OneBigOOKIE



Find Allona and Celeste on their regular show at Guild Wars Reporter. Daredevil I have no complicated thoughts beside “neato”. Was too busy PAXing. My head was spinning. I can barely handle regular thief gameplay! It’s the thief I wanted but maybe not the one we need right now. Physical skills with turnovers are really cool! I see value to it in small skirmishes and open world PvE, and maybe even in raids! It depends on how much damage is relevant. The current meta (which happens to align perfectly with my favored build after the spec changes) has three required traitlines, so the damage/utility tradeoff is going to have to be strong. And I hope it is! But I worry. I see benefits to taking the skills as a whole and benefits to taking them piecemeal which is EXCELLENT. That’s spot on where an elite spec should be IMHO PAX - Party and General PAX talk Good roundup of all the things that came out around PAX (link) I am a bit bummed about that for purely selfish reasons. I have a friend who refuses to play