Feed Me Fuel Me With Jeff Thornton & Mycal Anders

EP.135 | Neil Carlson - It's All In The Words



Did you know that by the time we reach adulthood, we are subconsciously wired to say, "No"? Neither did we. That is until we met Neil Carlson, sales coach and founder of "It's All In The Words" Sales Training. In his 40+ year career, he has studied sales and people for 30 of them. Publishing a book on human behavior and sales, with a second on the way. In that time he has come to one singular conclusion: you must change your way of thinking before you can ever expect to change the mind of a prospective customer. In today's conversation, we spend a lot of time talking sales and the lessons learned through Neil's study and observation. However, if you listen deeper, this conversation has so many parallels to life and how we communicate has human beings. We cover everything from how you show up for someone you're meeting for the first time, to getting through that obligatory, "No" that we're all so conditioned for, to help the customer make up their own mind and close the deal in which they originally showed up