Live Immediately With Mike Campbell

030: Brooke McAlary - Slow Your Home



In a fast passed world of trying to be everything to everyone, my guest today, Brooke McAlary, has one word for you – Slow. Brooke is the author of the new book “DESTINATION SIMPLE – Everyday Rituals For A Slower Life”, host of the hugely successful and #1 iTunes podcast, The Slow Home Podcast, and co-founder of the independent podcast company, Jack Rabbit FM, that she launched with her husband Ben a couple of years ago. Ben was also a guest on the Live Immediately Podcast way back in episode four. I have linked to his episode in the show notes. It is well worth a listen as Ben touches on his thoughts around the alignment of health, happiness and heart. Brooke has had a massive influence on my life, as it was the lessons I learnt, from her conversations with her guests, that really helped me to shape my thoughts, start asking questions, and create beautiful change in my life over the past few years. There is so much in this episode, I don’t know where to start. Brooke and I discu