Live Immediately With Mike Campbell

037: Audrey Wanders - Minimalism, Death & Passion Before Paycheque



The death of a parent would be life altering at any stage of your life, but more so when it happens suddenly and you’re in your adolescence. My guest today, Audrey Wanders, had the unfortunate experience of dealing with her father’s death when she was only fifteen. The road definitely wasn’t easy as Audrey felt a lot of guilt, she would shut people out and she had to navigate the growing pains of youth without her father. But listening to Audrey’s beautiful story, her father left her with so many gifts and helped shape her life from the inside. Audrey and I pack a lot into this conversation as we hold hands and jump into the deep-end from the beginning. We discuss growing in discomfort, the importance of reflection, minimalism and asking that important question, “does this add value to my life?”, Audrey’s 31 Days of Nature challenge, microadventures, building habits around mental health, putting passion before your paycheque, and so much more. Audrey is creating her p