Doc Thompson

Doc Loves the TSA, #NewStampScent, & Richard Boyanton - 5/22/18



The Morning Blaze Topics: Hour 1 Doc talks about his amazing flight experience… This past weekend Doc went to the NRA, no not that one, and saw some amazing products… A snowflake machine that chills any liquid?... Yes, even tequila… Vegan burgers that are actually good?... Watch out for scratch n sniff stamps. Hour 2 We are using #NewStampScent for the Post Office… 10 jobs most likely to attract psychopaths… Get ready for… We speak with Stephen Moore from FreedomWorks about energy and fossil fuels under Obama and Trump. Hour 3 Supreme Court to allow companies to require workers to accept individual arbitration… This is freedom, and the left and union don’t like it… We speak with Richard Boyanton who is running for US Senate… We talk to him about immigration, civil rights, and free market economy. To see more from Doc, visit his channel on TheBlaze and listen live to “The Morning Blaze with Doc Thompson”