Doc Thompson

Taylor James, Friday Leftovers, & Austin Patry - 6/8/18



The Morning Blaze Topics: Hour 1 Thousands of tax dollars was spent to find if sex is good with contraceptives… Morgan Porterfield’s father was hit by a drunk driver and beat all odds against his coma… She set a to raise money for medical bills… Democrats where is the fight against opioids and suicide? Hour 2 Rudy Giuliani made a comment about Stormy Daniels that is making headlines… Mika Brzezinski starts a rumor about Trump… Friday leftovers involve being hit by a train, microwaving what?... Don’t yell “remember my face” before robbing a liquor store. Hour 3 We speak with Taylor James, actor in Samson, talks to us about the film in the box office… What is next for Taylor?… Jason Buttrill joins the show to talk about the G7 summit in Canada… Austin Patry joins us for our Building America segment to talk about his company Rollin ‘n Bowlin a healthy food truck. To see