Doc Thompson

Samuel L. Jackson Gets a Pass, Slide Belt, Chris Pratt - 6/19/18



The Morning Blaze Topics: Hour 1 Samuel L. Jackson gets a pass when it comes to his homophobic tweets… Shooting your ex for stealing you’re A/C unit?... We speak with Tim Ortman to talk about his new book NewsReal… Which goes into detail about his time as a cameraman in the media… Know the difference between facts and opinions.   Hour 2 How the game is played when it comes to term limits… Ted Cruz proposes we stop taking kids away from their families when they cross the border illegally… Cruz, keep up… Derek Hunter, the author of Outrage Inc., joins the show to talk about his book… Puerto Rico Mayor under FBI investigation. Hour 3 Who could be the most popular man in America right now?... Doc might have found his new best friend, Chris Pratt… Pratt’s MTV acceptance speech was something that you probably wouldn’t hear from Hollywood… Bray Galyardt talks about where they redesign the old-fashioned