Everything Hertz

81: Too Young To Know, Too Old To Care



We answer our first audio question, on whether academia is too broken to fix, and a second question on whether we’ve ever worried about the possible repercussions of our public critiques and commentary on academia. Show details: Our first audio question is from Erin Williams (@DrErinWill), who asks whether academia is too broken to fix The letter to the editor that got rejected, despite the publication of the response to the letter Harassment in academia Have we ever been worried that someone might say, "I'd never hire those dudes" because of what we say? Other stuff that has happened to us as a result of the podcast Fahrenheit vs. Celsius Supply and demand for academic jobs The criticism that comes with putting yourself out there Links - @ReproRocks (https://twitter.com/ReproRocks): for those working in reproduction to share their work through twitter - The Steven Pinker book - The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined (https://www.amazon.com/Better-Angels-Our-Nature-Violence/dp/0143122010