Monthly Conversation With Mitch Daniels

Monthly Conversation With Mitch Daniels: A Civics Test And A Testament To Civil Service



A hallmark of Mitch Daniels’ time as Indiana governor was the expansion of testing of Hoosier students. The tests given to K-12 students have never been more high-stakes than they are now, and that’s rankled plenty of teachers and administrators. Somewhat less rancor has been generated by the Purdue President’s latest testing proposal – a civics exam students would have to pass before they’re awarded a diploma. On this edition of WBAA’s Monthly Conversation With Mitch Daniels, we address how that test might be administered and whether another exam will solve the problem of American governmental illiteracy. Also on this month’s show, a remembrance of Purdue alum and Indiana Senator Birch Bayh. Mitch Daniels says he once worked on a Senate campaign trying to defeat Bayh, but later came to know him as so many did – a giant of public life whose days seem more bygone all the time.