Coaching For Leaders

205: Ten Ways to Learn Faster



Randy Willhite Guitar Instructor The Burbolators (his band) “If people have two weeks to practice, they do less in two weeks than they normally would have in one.” -Randy Willhite Ten ways to learn faster: It’s hard to start, but easier to keep going Memorize first, and then practice You have to practice Schedule time each day to practice You don’t need to master something before you go onto the next thing You don’t have to like something to learn from it Consistency beats clock time Don’t beat yourself up for falling behind Touch the strings Get back on when you fall off the horse Feedback Comments, questions, or feedback for future Q&A shows: The next Q&A show is episode 208 If you're not already subscribed to this show, please do so and you’ll get new episodes every Monday. Just search for Coaching for Leaders on iTunes, Stitcher, or any podcast app you use and subscribe there. Please join my weekly leadership guide. The leadership guide is deliver