Coaching For Leaders

223: Start With Why, with Simon Sinek



Simon Sinek: Start with Why* and Leaders Eat Last* Questions from Mastermind members: How do you make these ideas part of the operating culture of the organization? —Mike I have listened to Simon's book, Why Leaders Eat Last. Simon provided a lot of examples of what he calls the circle of safety. His philosophy and ideas are rational. Does he have data to support that getting buy in on his philosophy is actually good for business by reducing costs or increasing profits? —Chris Quotes Companies should not be deciding their purpose or cause based on market research. That’s like a politician deciding what their vision is based on poll numbers. —Simon Sinek The first step to becoming that leader we wish we had is to actually want to be the leader. —Simon Sinek It’s about all about purpose and creating strong human relationships, and learning your “Why” gives you a massive advantage in decision-making. —Simon Sinek Fulfillment comes through service to others. When we make it about ourselves, it never real