Good Job Mom, Good Job Dad

004: Bedtime Routines, Plans vs. Needs, and Being Intentional



Normally Ryan takes our 3-Year-Old Liam out for a walk every night in the stroller on a “Daddy Date”. They run some errands, grab some groceries, then by the time they get home, Liam is asleep. No drama. Zero wrestling. We recently returned from a trip, where we had been able to get Liam to lay down and go to sleep in a new bed without the stroller ride. Now back in LA, we are seeing if we can transition to this new routine at home!  At first it did not go over very well. Liam broke down into tears because he wanted to go on the “Daddy-Date”.  The next night, we decided to prep him ahead of time and let him know how the bed time routine was going to go. And it worked!  Ryan did have to wrestle through several delay tactics— multiple trips to the bathroom. Including one trip where he had a “poop” family which he named after mommy and daddy. Flattering. Ryan started to get frustrated that Liam would not go to sleep. He would not get off the toilet. Rebekah suggests bribing him off with chocolate…right before be