Good Job Mom, Good Job Dad

008: Getting Sick, Thermometer Drama, Parental Instincts



We just got better from being sick…the kinda sick that is not bad enough to stay in bed, but …it’s miserable. **NOTE: We are NOT giving medical advice, only sharing anecdotes and our experiences. Nothing in this episode should be considered advice. Please consult a physician with any medical concerns.** When one person gets sick…everybody gets sick. The whole ordeal can last anywhere from a week to a month! Wintertime, especially the holidays is when people start dropping like flies.  Liam and Bekah were both sick up through Christmas Eve this year. We were traveling and staying with family, so we quarantined ourselves.  Liam was especially fascinated by “barfing”. He would ask for juice so he could barf more. NO!!! Yuk. He would end up barfing all over the floor and Ryan would end up walking through it.  Ryan tried to keep his distance from the sick room only going in when needed. Poor Bekah!  The quarantine worked! Nobody else got the flu! The thing about toddlers is—you never know if they are barfing from