Feed Me Fuel Me With Jeff Thornton & Mycal Anders

EP.062 | Yemeni Mesa - Keto Head



“I never fail. I either win or I learn.” - Nelson Mandela • Feed Me Fuel Me (@feedmefuelme) episode 062 with Yemeni Mesa - Keto Head • This week Jeff and I sit down with one of the beautiful minds responsible for the exponential rise in Quest Nutrition, Yemeni Mesa (@keto_head). Since leaving Quest, Yemeni has taken his talents, expertise, and passion to a new company, Know Foods (@knowfoods). Yemeni has made it his mission through this company to end metabolic disease. Most would say that it is an impossible task. However, when you run in tight circles with likes of Tom Bilyeu (@tombilyeu) and others that put value behind their purpose, above all else, the seemingly unfathomable becomes more than realistic. In this week's episode, Yemeni shares his journey through body building, being a solo-preneur, to standing shoulder to shoulder with the greatest marketers on the planet, to strategically implementing a product that has the potential to nutritionally hault metabolic disease in it tracks. Prepare yourself