Feed Me Fuel Me With Jeff Thornton & Mycal Anders

EP.063 | Anthony Hammond - RedFox Apps



“Every success story is a tale of constant adaption, revision and change” - Richard Branson • Feed Me Fuel Me (@feedmefuelme) episode 063 with Anthony Hammond - RedFox Apps • Have you ever been told by everyone that an opportunity is over, but you wanted to prove them wrong? This week our guest Anthony Hammond (@ant_hammo) did just that. From starting his journey with one question “What’s a digital asset?” to building an extremely successful business RedFox Apps (@redfoxapps) in the mobile app development industry. Anthony has been able to create a life and business many people dream of. With his hard work, dedication, positivity, and drive; Anthony continues to prove that you CAN achieve anything you want in life with enough perseverance and belief. Anthony shares his story on how he started his journey in property investment and transitioned that skillset to the app investment industry. Get ready to learn how he developed his strategies and mindset to create a life of freedom and passion. • redfoxapps.com •