Feed Me Fuel Me With Jeff Thornton & Mycal Anders

EP.067 | Caitlin Barth - Macros & Metcons



“Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect.” - Mark Twain • Feed Me Fuel Me (@feedmefuelme) episode 067 with Caitlin Barth - Macros & Metcons • A lot can happen in a year! Since we last touched base with Caitlin (@caitlinbarf) she had just begun her journey as a vegan, and was teetering on the fence trying to decide where her path lies in the fitness space. Since then, as a result of a serendipitous string of unfortunate events, namely losing her job, she found her light. While in search of another full-time gig, she took the time to immerse herself in the practice of coaching, training, and nutrition, as well ask herself the tough questions. Sometimes you just need an uninterrupted period of time to be introspective, and be alone with yourself to figure things out. What resulted was the birth of Macros & Metcons (@macros_metcons), Caitlin's nutrition coaching platform. Through the positive experience she had with her own coach, and the gentle nudging of he