Feed Me Fuel Me With Jeff Thornton & Mycal Anders

EP.072 | Cali Farquharson - For The Love



“To succeed, you have to believe in something with such a passion that it becomes a reality” - Anita Roddick • Feed Me Fuel Me (@feedmefuelme) episode 072 with Cail Farquharson - For The Love • There is great satisfaction to found when your passion is bigger than your paycheck. Our guest this week, Cali Farquharson (@califarq), is fortunate enough to have passion driving her persistence for greatness. Growing up playing with the boys, the youngest of three, with two older brothers, the game of soccer not only came naturally, but slowed down when she played with the girls. Cali is the product of a military family. The expectation for greatness was so clear, that certain milestones in life were seen as matter of fact. Cali did not celebrate the things in life that she was simply expected to accomplish. Humbly Type-A, Cali thrives on a list of people and circumstance that have casted doubt on her success. A high achiever in high school and on to Arizona State University, Cali now finds herself on roster of the W