Feed Me Fuel Me With Jeff Thornton & Mycal Anders

EP.076 | Marc Accetta - Pay Attention. Get Excited. Never Quit.



“Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself” - Marc Accetta • Feed Me Fuel Me (@feedmefuelme) episode 076 with Marc Accetta - Pay Attention. Get Excited. Never Quit. • How often do we fall victim to our own negative self-talk? This week's guest, Marc Accetta (@marcaccettatraining), founder of Marc Accetta Seminars talks about removing the "dream stealers" from you life: those haters and naysayers that all too often can be disguised as friends and family trying to "protect" you. Worst yet, what if that dream stealer is you? What if you are the one talking yourself out of your own greatness. Marc talks about the value of mentorship in combatting your dream stealers, overcoming your own negative self talk, and realizing your true potential. Marc's model for success is quite simple: find someone who has what you want, and duplicate what they've done to get it. He lives by the mantra, "Pay Attention. Get Excited. Never Quit." Marc wasn't born a walking inspiration. No, actually quite the op