Feed Me Fuel Me With Jeff Thornton & Mycal Anders

EP.081 | Sam Floyd - Operation Coffee



“Coffee is a product favoring sociability, friendship, and conversation and it should always be consumed with someone else.” - Ernesto Illy • Feed Me Fuel Me (@feedmefuelme) episode 081 with Sam Floyd - Operation Coffee • It's amazing what can happen over a cup of coffee. Just ask our guest this week on Feed Me Fuel Me (@feedmefuelme), Sam Floyd (@operationcoffeeguy). Sam has been on quite the journey, and that is putting it lightly. As an infantry Marine, he as seen the worst of humanity. As a combat veteran, Sam battled PTSD for years. He would mask his suicidal ideations by lying about how well he was doing. Unbeknownst to those closest to him, Sam was in a very dark place. As a result of his inability to effectively cope with his demons, Sam lost a marriage, and sabotaged other relationships and opportunities. After relocating from the desert oasis of Scottsdale, back to his midwest roots in Wisconsin, Sam would turn to the bottle, trying to drink his problems away. One fateful day, over a cup of coffee w