Feed Me Fuel Me With Jeff Thornton & Mycal Anders

EP.120 | Cynthia Sassi - Fabulous Arizona



As an entrepreneur, there is an unspoken rule that you do you have to do until you can simply do what you want to do. Sometimes that means putting rent on a credit card. Sometimes that means trying to convince your boss to trust you to bring them out of the Stone Age of print media into the present online. Sometimes it means making up your job description by saying yes to every task thrown your way because your skill set can't be put any one box. Sometimes it means doing a lot of shit for free!   That is just part of Cynthia Sassi's (@cynthiasassi) journey. She took a chance internship as a requirement to complete her degree and that lead her down a path of networking and creation, and ultimately the launch of Fabulous Arizona (@fabulousarizona), an online lifestyle publication highlighting the best the Grand Canyon State has to offer. Cynthia saw the way ahead, long before her previous employers. So much so, that after meeting enough resistance to change, she decided to do it on her own, her way.    She show