
#134: Green New Deal



A new band of young Americans is organising to get the planet out of a death spiral and give decent jobs to people in the process. Hooray! The central demand - a 'Green New Deal' - is as ambitious as anything Roosevelt came up with, and spearheaded by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a working class, socialist, woman of colour born in - gulp - 1989. Very much *not* Al Gore, in other words. We probe, ponder, and postulate this new phenomen, but mostly try not to get depressed about how everyone is so much younger than us these days. Also this week: Veganuary bringing out the bitter old man in Dave Iceland supermarket coming over all Inhofey American weather taking the piss Schoolchildren showing adults how to stop acting like children Sustainababble is your friendly environment podcast, out weekly. Theme music by the legendary Dicky Moore – @dickymoo. Sustainababble logo by the splendid Arthur Stovell. MERCH: Available on iTunes, Spotify, Acast & all those types of things, or