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Ep 21: Harness Your Body's Superhuman Abilities With Dr. Matthew Accurso



In this latest episode of Resist Average Academy, we have Dr. Matthew Accurso in which we discuss ways to level up your vitality, energy, focus, get better sleep and start your path to becoming superhuman. Dr. Matthew Accurso is on mission to catapult individuals into their most fulfilling life potential imaginable. Dr. Accurso has helped spearhead some of the largest performance enhancing seminars ever conducted in the United States and Canada helping thousands overcome mental and physical barriers. His leadership has assisted in developing the most advanced cutting edge procedures being done to remove mind/body interference in the top wellness clinics across the United States. Dr. Accurso’s calling is to transform average human potential into extraordinary human performance. His conviction to restore human potential and effectuate a 24/7 healing culture has touched people across the country and the world. If you enjoyed this episode, I would absolutely appreciate you sharing it with your friends, subscr