Resist Average Academy: Knowledge | Inspiration | Action | Motivation | Business | Growth | Spirit | Success | Money |

Ep 25: The Evolution Of Fitness, Coaching and Life With CrossFit Games Champion James FitzGerald



The latest episode of Resist Average Academy features fitness entrepreneur, athlete, CrossFit Games Champion and owner of OPEX (formerly OPT) based out of Scottsdale, Arizona. When not coaching, he’s a full time husband, father and fitness athlete. His 20+ years of experience and service as a strength coach/technician, tireless practice on refining energy system work, nutritional and lifestyle balancing techniques and training of other coaches has made OPEX a sought after method of bringing fitness to a Higher Order. James has found a desire and passion to understanding fitness through assessment, testing, research, programming and more. He has had many years experience as an athlete from early childhood into adulthood, from playing top level soccer, short and long distance running to CrossFit where he was crowned “The Fittest on Earth”, Winner of the 2007 CrossFit Games. It was my pleasure to have my former Coach and a life mentor on the Academy, as we delve through topics including fitness, coaching, the e