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Ep 34: How To Wake Up On Fire With An Inspiring Mission with AJ Richards



AJ Richards served in the Utah National Guard and started a few businesses over the years. AJ is also an entrepreneur and the CEO of Rush Club Nation. He was born in Southern Utah and spent much of his childhood playing with cousins at the family cattle ranch. He dropped out of high school his senior year and joined the military. From the age of 16 until he deployed, AJ went through a new job every three months. In 2005 he deployed with his field artillery unit to Ramadi, Iraq. After returning from Iraq, AJ took a job but found himself miserable selling pest control door-to-door. He was depressed and was soon misdiagnosed by doctors with PTSD. He chose to not take the prescribed antidepressants, he started exercising and discovered CrossFit as a way to enhance his mental and physical wellbeing. AJ opened his own CrossFit gym in 2011, in 2013 he had an idea to do with CrossFit athletes and competition what Dana White did with the UFC. He took CrossFit and made it entertaining and added weight divisions. Wi