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Ep 39: How To Observe, Connect And Influence With Shari Alexander



Shari Alexander is a persuasiveness coach known for bringing the "dark arts" of influence into the light. She has built her career as a speaker, writer, trainer and coach by revealing powerful secrets behind conversational influence.   She has personally learned the best persuasive triggers and techniques from master influencers, including CIA field agents, hostage negotiators, con-artists, HUMINT officers, interrogators, trial attorneys, mentalists, undercover law enforcement, and even pick-up artists.    In this episode, Shari and I discuss the practical tools you can put in your back pocket to make you a magnetic communicator, observer, and connector. Using her experience with body language and awareness, you will develop a skill set that will be invaluable in the way you communicate with everyone from your boss to a loved one.   If you enjoyed this episode, I would absolutely appreciate you sharing it with your friends, subscribing and reviewing as well, this is so crucial to the long-term growth and