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Ep. 66 | Mastering the Art and Science of Influence with Manny Wolfe



The latest Academy episode features Manny Wolfe, a public speaking Coach, author, and entrepreneur and founder of 1000 Speakers Academy, where he teaches visionaries how to deliver their message with power, passion, persuasion, and precision. I’ve personally worked with Manny and can vouch he is the real deal in teaching people how to craft a powerful message and story. During this episode, we discuss exactly how to craft your message, level up your communication and resonate with your tribe, including: Why your definition of success will evolve How our collective mindset is rapidly shifting Why creativity is your nature and everyone has it The power of language in our lives Level up your relationships with powerful communication Why some people we meet seem out of alignment The true story body language is telling We can’t communicate better with others than we do ourselves Why what we’re good at is boring to us The best way to answer ‘what you do’ How to make conversations last forever ...and so much more