Fx Medicine Podcast Central

Online Consultations: is your practice cyber secure? with Robbie Clark



We are entering an age where technology and convenience are driving patients to favour online consultations. Practitioners must therefore, adapt and innovate to meet this growing market and what may be overlooked in the process is the ethical and legal aspects of protecting patient data. Today we are joined by dietitian, Robbie Clark who, like many others, started to explore the possibilities of taking his practice digital and what he discovered in the process is not only shocking, but relatively unknown. Today's episode will have you asking questions like; are my digital platforms secure? Are they encrypted? Are files shared with my patients secure? Do I own the data? Am I vulnerable to a cyber attack? You can find this industry insights podcast here: https://www.fxmedicine.com.au/blog-post/online-consultations-your-practice-cyber-secure-robbie-clark *****DISCLAIMER: The information provided on FX Medicine is for educational and informational purposes only. The information provided is not,