Tete & Espresso

Romantic Relationships - Wednesday - Keeping the Fire (Adult Version)



Shho tell me pussy... Welcome to TeTe & Espresso, a Castbox Original, I’m TeTe. Let’s talk one minute about life and take a 1 minute espresso shot to start your day. This week’s theme is romantic relationships. Today’s topic, keeping the fire. Pshh, you sschould probably be an adult to listen to this. Most of us have been in a long term relationship. And the fire had dwindled at times. We know, it sucks. There are emotional and sexual separations, that must be sparked. That’s why you are in a relationship. (Slap sound) Whshooopewhshooopew wake up, Romantic surprises, and sexual surprises work!! .. Drop those flowers off, write that note, buy that sex toy, give that massage, save for those concert tickets, and listen. Dig for the slightest clue they communicate what they would like, and go over and beyond!! If you are lacking in the bedroom, did you know there are instructional videos out there that can teach you to master what you lack? Isn’t that wild!!! You could watch one of those videos before you