Tete & Espresso

Self Forgiveness - Wednesday - Childhood Trauma - 028



Get your freaking hands off me, a child’s first memory, oh Mommy, help me… Welcome to TeTe & Espresso, a CastBox original, I’m TeTe. Let’s talk 1 minute life, and take a 1 minute morning espresso shot to start your day. This weeks theme is self forgiveness. Today’s topic, childhood trauma. Scarring from the pain and hurt from the past is a constant pain, and a burden. A lot of times something happened that was out of our control, especially when we were young kids. It hurt us so much that we play it over and over, in disbelief that someone could hurt us so much! Why!!? Why me? How dare they, I was so young! How could you hurt of child like that?.. Didn’t know it would hurt me later in life? How could you say that to me? How could you put your hands on me like that? … I couldn’t even stick up for myself, and you took advantage of me! Why? I was so innocent! … We end up holding onto the responsibility that was never ours. By forgiving ourselves, and reminding us that it was not our fault. ..We are innoce