Tete & Espresso

Hope - Drowning - Monday - 051



Show me one spec of light..and I will keep swimming ... Welcome to TeTe & Espresso, a CastBox original, I’m TeTe. This week it is critical to talk about hope, because it’s hope that keeps us a-float...and moving forward. Floating alone in the middle of the open ocean would probably be one of our biggest fears..Floating in the dark of midnight is even scarier..but as soon as we see a faint light in the distance that we know is land, we can start swimming..swimming towards hope...See that sign in your life, and let that sign be enough to keep going. Swim away from the empty sea of depression, towards the the peace of mind people on land can bring you.....Swim. I swim towards hope. Each butterfly stroke moves me toward my goals. I swim towards hope, Each backstroke moves me towards happiness. YOU swim towards hope, each freestyle stroke moves you towards..the real you. The you you know you can be and always wanted to be. There is light in the distance now..Swim well my family member. Join the TeTe &