Refuse Defeat With Megan

#014 Zero to #1 in Network Marketing (In 1 Year)



After hearing Kristie's story, this was the first image that popped into my head! (I do not own copyrights to this image)Your next move may be your best move. As long as you keep moving, you are moving closer to your dream! I repeat this to myself at least once a week. It is your duty, to share the knowledge and the passion about your service or product with anyone that will listen! Can this be hard, YESS! I can’t say that enough. Will everyone understand what you are talking about or your passion, no, but that twinkle behind your eye may catch the attention or your largest producer or your best client. It is possible to make a sale without being salesy and just sharing what you love. The excitement, the drive, the creativity that goes into the way you explain your service or product may just be the right words to turn a no into a maybe. Then by showing consistency, that maybe may turn into a absolutely.Krisitie has multiple examples of types of business, so this does not fall into j