Central Baptist Church, Niles, Ohio

"Facing the Storms of Life" - MORNING SERVICE 12162018



Sunday morning we looked at the story, according to Luke, of Jesus calming the storm.  I pointed out that all of us face hardships or “storms” in life.  You are only fooling yourself if you think your life is burden free; we all face trials.  BUT, we do not have to face them alone; Jesus can face them with us!  In my text (Luke 8:22-25) Jesus asked the question, to His disciples, “Where is your faith?”  So that is my question to you; when you face difficulties in life, where is your faith?  Do you put your full trust in Jesus Christ?  Or do you put your faith in any number of other things?  My hope is that you trust Jesus with all your heart! Sermon by Pastor Dan Squezello At Central Baptist Church, Niles, Ohio Morning Service On December 16, 2018 Series: Preaching through the Gospel of Luke Sermon Title: "Facing the Storms of Life" Scripture Text: Luke 8:22-25 https://archive.org/download/FacingTheStormsOfLife_983/FacingTheStormsOfLife-MorningService12162018.m