Central Baptist Church, Niles, Ohio

"Reject or Accept" - MORNING SERVICE 11042018



Yesterday morning we talked about the message of Jesus and John the Baptist and asked ourselves the question: “Are you going to reject Jesus or accept Jesus?”  John the Baptist prepared the way for the Messiah and Jesus is the Messiah.  They both had powerful messages for their listeners and Jesus’s gift of salvation is something that everyone needs.  There is no way to get to heaven on our own; we need Jesus.  Are you going to accept Jesus and the forgiveness He offered You?  Or are you going to reject Him and continue living your lives separated from God?  A life without Christ is one on the “highway to hell.”  Turn your life over to Christ today.  Sermon by Pastor Dan Squezello At Central Baptist Church, Niles, Ohio Morning Service On November 4, 2018 Series: Preaching through the Gospel of Luke Sermon Title: "Reject or Accept" Scripture Text: Luke 7:18-35 https://archive.org/download/RejectOrAccept/RejectOrAccept-MorningService11042018.mp3