Fx Medicine Podcast Central

Sleep Hygiene: Part 2 with Narelle Hentschel



Sometimes clinical intervention is necessary to help your patients achieve a good night sleep. There's an art to deciding which interventions are most appropriate for each individual patient and which herbs or nutrients need to be included in the prescription to address a client's specific needs. Should you choose valerian or kava, magnesium or B6? In this episode Norelle Hentschel shares her own clinical wisdom in differentiating her sleep prescriptions. Picking up where we left off in part 1, Norelle continues to share her passion and wealth of clinical knowledge in helping people achieve a restful night sleep. In this episode we delve more specifically, into how sleep hygiene techniques can be partnered with judicious, carefully selected nutritional and herbal therapies to quickly resolve sleep issues.  Find today's show notes and transcript here: https://www.fxmedicine.com.au/content/sleep-hygiene-part-2-narelle-henstchel *****DISCLAIMER: The information provided on FX Medicine is for educationa