Seanwes Podcast

391: The Advantage Podcasts and Videos Have Over Written Word



I like efficiency. I want all of the information I can get fast, fast, FAST! I pride myself on digesting loads of information quickly. For this reason, I'm a big fan of writing. Written words are easy to skim and take in quickly. If I want to find something specific, I just search for a key word. You can't scrub through (or gloss over) videos or podcast audio content as easily. So writing wins, right? Reading is best because it's faster, right? Well, not so fast (heh). Faster doesn't always mean better. Here's a thought: what if all the information and wisdom you ever needed in life you've already heard? What if you didn't need *more* information, but instead to reflect on, meditate on, and APPLY the information you've already consumed? It's likely you've already consumed more information than most people did in their entire lives just a few hundred years ago. I'm not saying we'd be better off in the dark ages. Information is a wonderful thing! But while we're often in constant pursuit of more, more,