Jeff Floro's All About Guitar

May 23, 2016



Los Angeles is a melting pot of different peoples, cultures and music. When we hear people talk about the "L.A" sound, people think of the work of the Wrecking Crew and all the hits and artists they propelled into the charts, but there were a lot more musicians and music happening from the 1960's and beyond. A lot of music has come out of East L.A. Groups like The Delgado Brothers, El Chicano, Tierra and Los Lobos were taking their Latin American roots and exploring soul and R&B and creating a very interesting mix. And Joey Delgado was in the middle of it, combining R&B, soul, rock and blues and creating a unique voice in the L.A. music scene. Joey Delgado joins us and talks about the East L.A. music scene, his guitar playing, incredible tone, the importance of rhythm guitar in the band The Delgado Brothers.