Fx Medicine Podcast Central

Endometriosis: on the front line with Donna Ciccia



With an estimated 1 in 10 women suffering from endometriosis, this condition is a major health and economic drain, not to mention the mental health aspects, which can be devastating. For too long, women with endometriosis have had to suffer in silence, regularly dismissed by their medical professionals, family and peers who often don't appreciate how debilitating this condition can be. Now, the tide is turning, with Donna Ciccia championing the cause. Donna is the co-founder of Endometriosis Australia, an organisation that is dedicated to putting endometriosis on the map. In today's podcast, we delve into how Donna Ciccia's personal journey with endometriosis has driven her passion to ensure that the next generation of women can access standards of care that put an end to the long term suffering many others have had to endure. Find today's podcast transcript and show notes here: https://www.fxmedicine.com.au/content/endometriosis-front-line-donna-ciccia *****DISCLAIMER: The information provided o