Shift The Story Podcast

Evolving Into More Of Yourself with Laura Moliter - Shift The Story Podcast



Laura Moliter is an expert at making shifts. She begins each shift from a childlike trust, and then moves into allowing the universe to reveal the next best thing for her, greater than she can make happen on her own. Laura explains how she shifted from broadcast journalism, because even though it was her major, and she thought she wanted it, to something else that satisfied both her heart and her pocketbook. Following, being willing, listening to the answer in the pause, she moved from Wisconsin, to New York City,and then to Austin and discovered treasures in each place. Now she sings with her heart, and assists others in their return to the perfection of their true being as a Christian Science Practitioner. If you have always wanted to know what a practitioner sounds like, and what they do - this is your chance. Let Laura weave her magic and when she is done, you will have a clear path to how to evolve into more of yourself, with ease. Evolving into more of yourself will become the easy way!