The Nth Degree Podcast With Tracy Timm

TYL #000: Our Reason for Being in Your Ears



In this episode, I explain the purpose of the podcast and our raison d’etre. I also talk about the format of the podcasts, which is pretty straightforward. Every week, you will get one new podcast for your listening pleasure. There are three types of podcasts in total: 1) my own personal stories to serve as motivation, 2) interviews with peers to serve as motivation, and 3) interviews with mentors to serve as education. I then share my own personal story of how I got from middle class family to Ivy League university to Wall Street investment firm to traveling once around the world to working for my idol to starting my own business to getting the crazy (or maybe not so crazy) idea to launch a podcast. It’s my hope that this podcast allows you to hear the stories of people taking major risks in life and going through transformation so that this big bad world out here won’t see quite so scary anymore. There is always room to be transformed.