The Nth Degree Podcast With Tracy Timm

TYL #12: Believing in Yourself and Embracing Change with Natalie Brown



Have you ever had a conversation with a total stranger-- on aplane, on a bus, on a train-- that totally changed your life?I know, I know. That's a bit much. But seriously.Have you ever sat down with zero intention of talking to theperson next to you only to realize three hours later that you neverstopped talking and the plane is already landing?!I have.And it happened to me in Burma, of all places!And I'm thankful that I can call that person a friend to thisday.Natalie Brown and I actually met before this fateful flight. ButI bet if you ask either of us, we had only been acquaintance upuntil that moment. I believe that it was that flight and thatconversation that finally bumped us up into the Friend Zone.We had a conversation that was so vulnerable, so humble, and someaningful that I've only had it matched a handful of times to thisday.I know you've had these experiences, too-- one person says onething and all of a sudden... you feel...Understood.Heard.Loved.All of a sudden you realize...You are not alone.I w